Category: Team

Frauke Herden – Eng

„We have to stop playing off
economic growth against nature and the environment.“

Frauke does what she loves: growing bold ideas and companies that develop inspirational long-term solutions. And managing the interfaces between sustainable innovation, technology and people.

As the managing director of a renewables corporation, a technology startup, a renewable energy business cluster and as a council member of B.A.U.M. – the German Environmental Management Association – Frauke moves things forward. And she likes to climb mountains to get new perspectives.

Frauke, what brought you from managing renewable energies

to impact consulting?

I always thought it was exciting to manage innovations and complexities. I think it is very appealing to turn and adjust the self-induced vulnerability of conventional business models until they actually serve people and the environment – and to anchor sustainable products and services in companies’ core businesses. At Funkelfeuer, we want to use our great energy, expertise and networks in relevant future markets, as well as our strong common focus, to make a contribution that really moves the needle.

Till Stenzel – Eng

„Now is the time to bring together digitalisation and sustainability.“

Dr. Till Stenzel,

Managing Partner

Till likes to transcend boundaries – on his travels and in his work. As a holder of a doctorate degree in environmental studies and as an investor, entrepreneur, executive and advisor. Whether during the first solar project development in Tunisia or most recently as a Managing Director in charge of the strategic investment portfolio of Deutsche Telekom at DTCP, Till thinks it’s finally time to bring digitalisation together with sustainability. “Enough talking. Now let’s get it done.“

Till, how can

digitalisation drive

sustainability forward?

Most recently, I have invested in digital transformation startups. By now, digitalisation has penetrated every sector and industry, from mid-sized companies to international DAX-listed corporations. This means sustainability can also be completely rethought and anchored in business models. From efficient circular economy platforms to transparent digital supply chain tracking, sustainability means business. At Funkelfeuer, we bundle our expertise and our network of experts to embark on this path together with companies and investors.

Frauke Herden
Managing Partner

Meet Frauke

Kathrin Adlkofer – Eng

„The future lies in the disruptive technologies that are creating the world of tomorrow.“

Kathrin Adlkofer,


Kathrin has a doctorate degree in molecular biology. And she has won several sailing world championships. And she is the successful founder of a series of startups. Yes, really. Yet she still has a very relaxed personality. In addition, she is well connected in the venture capital and biotech sectors, the health economy and the pharmaceutical sector. Kathrin keeps heading for new shores because, “Honestly, the future lies in the disruptive technologies that are creating the world of tomorrow. And they need to be discovered!“

Kathrin, how can bioeconomics contribute to

concerted sustainable

Bioeconomics and life science hold the key to new kinds of food production and sustainable agriculture. It is all about CO2 reduction and people’s well-being. We have to learn to connect everything with everything else, and to develop overarching solutions. We established Funkelfeuer to successfully go that path together. What makes us successful are our diverse sectors and areas of expertise, as well as our common vision and our strong desire to make a major difference.

Dr. Till Stenzel
Managing Partner

Meet Till

Frauke Herden
Managing Partner

Meet Frauke